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We’re ready to help

We understand that a number of our shared customers are likely affected by the federal government shutdown, and we’re prepared to help them through this unanticipated hardship. 

If you hear from any customers who are federal employees working without pay or furloughed from their federal job as a result of the current shutdown, please call us at 877-776-2436. Our service representatives are ready to help with billing issues, including the possible movement of billing due dates. Please be assured that we’ll offer this same counsel and service if your customers call us directly, too. 

Again, we’re ready to help in any way we can—just call. Thank you for providing the personal care and guidance our customers have come to count on from trusted independent agents like you.

Progressive products and programs are not available in all states and situations. 
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Progressive Casualty Insurance Company

6300 Wilson Mills Rd, Mayfield Heights, OH 44143, United States of America